Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Do not scroll down any further if you don't want to see. I received my first Socks That Rock 2008 kit on Monday. Go no further if you don't want to see any pictures. I love the yarn....not sure about the pattern though.


Beth said...

That yarn is awfully pretty. It seems that folks are always on the fence about the STR patterns. I suppose it's one of the risks we take when we join a sock club.

Kathy Jo DeVore said...

LOVE the look of that yarn, but I'm also not impressed with the pic of those socks from the pattern.

I think I'm too picky for a sock club. I keep looking at them, but then I keep coming back to the fact that I'd pay MORE for the yarn and not have any say in what I get. Some people like the surprise and novelty of that, but for me, I'd just be disappointed and probably mad on a regular basis. :)