Sunday, December 30, 2007

The end and the beginning

When I look back at my knitting for 2007, it seems that it was the year of "a little bit of everything".

I finished knitting:
2 hats
2 cat beds
5 mug/cup cozys
1 shawl
2 pair of socks
1 dishcloth
1 shrug

WIP still going on:
1 scarf
2 pair of socks
1 pair of finished socks to be made longer for me (ds didn't want them)
1 shawl

It also seems that I was unmotivated for whatever reason. I had a big list of "to do" projects and they didn't get done. I seemed to go for the projects that were calling to me at the time.

I think I like that feeling....the feeling of what is calling to me. I think I'll continue that into 2008. The last few months I've been semi-monogamous to my projects. I like keeping a sock going and "something else". Right now, I have two "something else's" going but in a day or two I'll pick up a sock and continue with one "something else".

I've decided to knit more for others in 2008. My immediate family doesn't want socks but that doesn't mean I can't knit a pair for my sister-in-law or my brother just because. I was thinking I needed an occasion, but I don't. They live far enough north that knitting a hat or scarf or socks is a great idea.

One of my failings this year was not keeping up with the Socks that Rock Club packages as they came in. I have one skein of yarn from one month's package on the needles now but I'm using a different pattern. I'm using another skein of yarn with some stash yarn for a scarf. I feel good about using that versus just letting it sit in my stash.

I decided to join the Socks That Rock club again this year. My goal this year is to finish a pair before the next pair arrives. That gives me two months between pair. I can do that if I put my mind to it.

I'd like to set some other goals for the new year.

* Finish what I start. It really bugs me to have two socks in progress while I still have 4 skeins of STR yarn club yarn simmering away and a new skein that will be here in just a few weeks. (Not to mention all the OTHER sock yarn in my stash.)

* Knit 6 projects from books or magazines I haven't knit from yet. I have one pair of socks started from Knitting Vintage Socks. When I finish those, I'll have 5 more projects to do from the books and magazines I own. Knitting books are beautiful. I love ALL books, and having so many great books at my fingertips gives great inspiration, so I don't often stop myself from buying a book. However, I want to knit more projects from them in the coming year. There are so many great patterns in books and for free, but since I've spent the money on the books, I SHOULD use them.

* Knit more socks. I knit 2 pair last year. Let's make 6 a goal for this year. That will cover the STR club socks. If I knit more socks than that, then that's good.

* No deadline gift knitting. I've been good the past two years, so this is just a reminder for myself. If I want to knit for gifts, I need to allot PLENTY of time. I might even start a gift drawer so when projects for others are finished, they can wait in there until the right time. I actually do BETTER with a deadline although it adds to the stress.

* Knit for others. I think I've put off knitting for others because there are not many people in my life who would appreciate the time, effort, love (and expense) that goes into hand-crafted items. But I CAN knit for the few who know would appreciate it.


Kathy Jo DeVore said...

I have the same problem with books. :) I love books. It's a joke around here that you can go look at the book shelves and see our various interests over the years. I don't ever consider them a waste because I do find a great deal of inspiration in just looking through them sometimes. But like you, I think I'll feel better about my purchases (and my future purchases, LOL) if I make it a point to knit SOMETHING out of each book.

I did good, though. One of my recent knitting book purchases contained NOTHING in it that I wanted to knit, and very little inspiration wise, so I packed it up and sent it back. This is a big step for me. ;)

tiennieknits said...

Happy New Year to you!