Wednesday, October 31, 2007

What's come over me....

I just wanted to let you know that I'm diligently working on Darlin' Clementine. I just want to FIN.ISH.

And in other news.....I received my next kit from Socks that Rock and I'm DYING to start these socks! But I won't let myself as long as Clementine is hanging around. I can't have more than two active projects going at the same time (although I CAN have a few simmering in my UFO basket).

Yes, the yarn in this picture IS that dark. It has a lovely shade of maroon in it, and has become one of my new favorite colors. I'm not sure why. I think Popeye (dh for those who don't read my other blog) has rubbed off on me over the years. The pattern is BEAUTIFUL if you can't tell from the picture and very lacy.


tiennieknits said...

I really like this shipment too!

Kathy Jo DeVore said...

Hey, you blogged! :) Now I'm going to have to go research Socks that Rock kits. :}

Ernie and I were discussing how we're becoming the same person just the other night. Our conclusion was that it's a shame that none of our good qualities seem to be rubbing off on each other. :} But I do find myself liking his favorite colors more than I used to, and he definitely wears more than just green, gray, brown, and black now.