Thursday, February 01, 2007

UFO frogged

Keeping my promise, I frogged another project. :) I guess the half finished dishcloth for Jan would count as a UFO. It would have sat around and languished anyway. It wasn't fun.

But tonight, my UFO for February was done.

Presenting before:

and After:

Once upon a time, this was going to be a Booga Bag. The yarn is Noro Kureyon. It isn't very soft to knit with so I will probably try to sell it. A Booga Bag isn't in my future for this year. I don't really care to have one so who knows if I'll ever make one.


Carolyn said...

The bag was lovely! But, if you don't want one, and were in a frogging mood, I can understand. My two Boogae Bagae were made from a frogged sweater.

If you're looking for a nice hat to make with that lovely yarn, consider

Pensguys said...

I'm not sure what I'll do with the yarn. I'm really not a hat person...curly hair and all...smooshes it. ;) Plus here in GA it doesn't get that cold but maybe once/twice a year! LOL