Tuesday, February 19, 2008

"New Post"

What's that? I actually have SEVERAL posts I could write today so instead, I'm going to write one LONG one and load it up with pictures.

I first have to say that being on Ravelry is SOOOO fun. I used to spend lots of time getting swallowed up into a homeschooling board, but now I find myself losing track of time on Ravelry. If you aren't a member yet, you should DEFINITELY get on the waiting list!

This first picture is of the beloved Wollmeise yarn which a lot of knitters literally almost FIGHT over. Try getting some of this at The Loopy Ewe and it is worse than Black Friday at Walmart! I traded some American yarn for these with a wonderful person in Germany. It so happens that Wollmeise is very plentiful in Germany. My package consisted of the two LARGE skeins of Wollmeise, some German chocolate that will KNOCK your socks off, and a little candy heart.

I've been keeping a secret.....I've decided to try my hand at spinning with a drop spindle. I bought this inexpensive spindle to start with. It is a top whorl Louet. Isn't it cute with the little sheep heads? (sorry for the blur)

I bought some VERY pretty roving called Brick House from this Etsy dealer. I can't wait to get started spinning.

And, finally, a work in progress. This is Hedera by Cookie A. I've been wanting to knit these for some time now and I had just the push I needed as I'm a member of a group on Ravelry called Sock Knitters Anonymous. Some are knitting Cookie A. designs so I decided to go along with the crowd. These look purplish on my monitor but they are really black with reddish/burgandy tint. The yarn is Blue Moon Fiber Arts Socks That Rock in Raven-Lenore. I LOVE the look of this yarn!


GailV said...

I'm with you -- had did we survive before Ravelry? I love to browse patterns and see how various people knit up the same pattern, visit various groups and see what people are knitting there, see what people do with a certain yarn, check "friends activities" to see what you've queued lately. HOURS are spent there in a haze of crafty thoughts.

GailV said...

Oh, and believe it or not, I'm in easy driving distance of Loopy Ewe, and I've never made it over there to see the stuff in person. Feel free to be outraged by that statement. I'm sort of surprised by it myself.

Pensguys said...

Shame on you for not visiting Loopy! (I'm just kidding)

Oh, I do LOVE my Ravelry!

tiennieknits said...

I love Ravelry! Great yarn and spinning!