Saturday, October 28, 2006

Ribbit, Ribbit

That is what is happening on sock #2. No, I'm not making the deadline for my friend's birthday. And even though I THOUGHT I followed the directions, it will be too long for her foot. fits mine. ;) So, I'll be working backwards for another row or so and then maybe some forward progress.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

The Second Sock....SYNDROME

Has hit! I haven't talked about the second sock because it is about halfway finished. But I'm having a hard time picking it up. I want to finish by Wed and I think I can manage that. I have all day today while dh is working, the new Pride and Prejudice movie, and a nice comfy bed. I'll also have about 2 hours on Tuesday morning if I need it.

Thanks for asking about it!

Sunday, October 08, 2006

One is done

The first sock for my friend's birthday is complete!

I'm very happy with the toe and then again I'm NOT happy with the toe. I'm not sure how to keep it from being sort of pointy where the first and last stitches are located at the beginning and end of the grafting. I am happy that my Kitchener stitch looks great though!

Friday, October 06, 2006

Sharing my sock knitting history

I joined the Socktoberfest on Lolly's blog. I thought it would give me incentive to actually FINISH a pair of socks before the end of October.

I actually started the lastest pair of socks (see previous posts about this) about 3 weeks ago. I'm to the toe decreases now and expect to be finished with that first sock tomorrow. I have 2 soccer games to sit through and 3 hours of Funsville to endure tomorrow so I figured sock #1 will be finished and sock #2 will be well on its way.

This post is supposed to be about my sock knitting history. Here are the questions Lolly posed as well as my answers:

When did you start making socks?

I don't remember exactly but it was sometime last October or November that I made my first sock. Not a PAIR, mind you, but the FIRST sock.

Did you teach yourself or were you taught by a friend or relative? or in a class?

I took a class at one of the local yarn stores. I had always wanted to learn to knit and, when I heard about knitting socks, I could hardly wait!

What was your first pair? How have they "held up" over time?

See picture above! LOL They are my first and ONLY pair! I finally finished sock #2 in April I believe. I didn't get much chance to wear them (I think once or twice) but I've worn them twice so far this fall and plan on wearing them on they've held up well so far! ;)

What would you have done differently?

I didn't realize until I had finished both socks, that sock #2 was slightly larger than sock #1. I think I would have compared them to each other as I knit sock #2. They wear great and you can only tell one is larger when you compare them side by side.

What yarns have you particularly enjoyed?

The first pair of socks was knit in Trekking XXL. I got frustrated with it because it seemed to split easily. I swore I'd never use that yarn again. I took another sock class the first part of this year and used some Lorna's Laces Shepherd Sock and I REALLY like it. That sock is still on the needles. :) It will be part of my Socktoberfest goal though. The current socks I'm knitting are made with.......Trekking XXL! It isn't so bad this time. Maybe experience has helped.

Do you like to crochet your socks? or knit them on DPNs, 2 circulars, or using the Magic Loop method?

I've never crocheted socks before. My mom taught me to crochet when I was young and I can make a blanket and maybe a shawl or something if I tried, but not socks. I've only knit socks on dpns. I do have the Magic Loop book and have experimented a tiny bit with knitting one sock (or a hat), but I haven't sat down to really make a concerted effort. I want to at least try with two circulars and Magic Loop one time before I say I don't like it.

Which kind of heel do you prefer? (flap? or short-row?)

I only know how to do a heel flap. The sock class I'm taking in November will be to teach short row heels. I'll keep you posted on how I like it.

How many pairs have you made?

I think I alluded to this above somewhere. I've only COMPLETED one pair (my first pair). I took another class but have yet to complete sock #1. It is a sideways sock and will be part of my work to finish in October. I will finish my second pair of socks for my friend's birthday soon and then will start on that sideways sock again, until my next sock class.

That's about it for my sock knitting history. I'm off to knit!